All UK payments for products added to your basket on are handled externally via either Barclays ePDQ or Paypal
How it works
Products added to your basket on are saved to your account if you have created one with us. We collect information from you on two pages on this website:
The information collected on these pages is also used in your personal profile and for your delivery and invoicing addresses. These details are saved to your Account if you opt to open one.
Any information passed over these two pages is transferred over SSL verfied by Lets Encrypt
You can view our certificate information by clicking on the padlock in your browser address bar whilst on any of the above two pages.
PLEASE NOTE: That we do not collect nor store any credit card information on our server. All GBP card processing is done externally via either Barclays ePDQ or Paypal over their PCI compliant server.
For further information and their terms of service please either Barclays ePDQ or Paypal
After your transaction has been processed on either Barclays ePDQ or Paypal servers you will be returned to where you can manage your orders if you have created an account with us.